4 Quotes & Sayings By Nacho Figueras

Nacho Figueras (born Nacho Figueras Contreras) is a Spanish actor. He is best known for his role as Antonio 'Chaval' Sanchez in the Spanish television series El Chaval, which he starred in from 2010 to 2012. Following this, he portrayed the roles of Jesus Christ in the TV mini-series Jesus of Nazareth (2012) and Manuel Perón in the TV series El Patrón de la Nada (2013).

When I go to the gym, stretching is very important. For polo, you don't need too much strength so you don't want to build yourself up too much. It's all about flexibility. Nacho Figueras
Polo is a great thing to do with your kids and your family - it is a great day out. And to me, horses are amazing creatures that give you this cable to Earth and put you in contact with nature. Nacho Figueras
I always say that polo, for you to pursue a career, mainly any sport, you have to be born in the right place. If you're born in Hawaii, you surf. If you're born in Austria, you probably will ski. If you're born in Argentina, you most likely ride horses and have a chance to play polo. Nacho Figueras